FAQ - Embossing & Debossing

Are you looking to include embossing or debossing in your next job? Use these guidelines to help with setting up your artwork.
  • Maximum paper size for die cutting jobs: 14 x 22
  • Maximum image area for die cutting jobs: 12 x 16
When setting up your files:
  • Vector art is preferred. Vector artwork is usually created in Adobe Illustrator and saved as an EPS file.
  • Art should be created at 100% (actual size)
  • All line art should display at 100% color - no screens or tints
  • Do not include masks
  • Convert all type to outlines. Please remember to keep a copy of your file without the type converted to outlines so you can make changes to your file later if necessary.
  • Use caution with small images or letters. A minimum size of 8pt for most fonts. Tracking or kerning your type too tightly can result in poor image quality.
  • It is better to set your type loosely and with more leading than typically used. This will allow for the width of the bevel.
  • If creating multi-level artwork, use different layers when creating your digital file. When saving a file with layers, the layer names should relate to the art and your dies.